Table Yeti

This client started with a simple problem and we built an elegant solution to overcome it. They wanted to make paying group bills and the tipping of staff a better experience in hospitality. The first version of this product was an iOS app designed to make paying group bills in restaurants simple




Product Designer



My Role

I designed the first version of this app. It was not without complexity, as it had to be as simple to use as possible for any demographic. It also included functionality for the restaurant staff to manage the payments. The MVP was designed and put into production in a very short period, in order to prove the concept. Design and user experience were subsequently updated, based on the feedback from users and staff.

The Product

After the initial experience was designed, tested and proven within a set of build rules, the frontend become a straight forward product to grow and manage. Most of the complexity remained behind the scenes, in the integrations to the various POS systems.

The challenge was designing for no one particular audience. It needed to look instantly familiar, yet guide people through the steps with zero confusion at the first time. It needed to be clear for people of all ages, including those in their later years.

Evolution of the project

The product has gone far and wide. It now exists on multiple devices, depending on the requirement of the customer. It provides technology to allow individual staff to be tipped directly to their accounts from the customer. The original interface remains much the same today, and is performing well across the hundreds of bars and restaurants that use it.

Key take aways

> When development teams are completely remote more structured meetings and management tools need to be in place to keep the product on track.

> Testing products in the environments they are to be used in key in understanding the issues as well as the positives users find. 

> How speed in development of an MVP can become a great asset in the strength of funding a concept.

> How to approach a multi sided platfrom and make sure you are solving issues that don’t impact the other side in the negative way. Ie. When a change is made for the customer it doesn’t effect the staff experience.

> Designing something simple on the outside often means the complexity lies within.

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